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Christine Best, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Chris Best grew up in Idaho Falls, ID, and later moved to the Tri-Cities in 1980. She got her license for Massage Therapy from Tri-Cities School of Massage in 2000. When she's not working, Chris enjoys cooking, traveling, being outdoors, fixing up her home, and playing with her grandchildren.

Chris specializes hot stone massage. Hot stones help blood vessels get bigger and improve blood flow all over the body. The warm stones also make you feel calm and can help with long-lasting pain, stress, and relaxation. She also does deep tissue massage and uses things like Positional Release Therapy (PRT), reflexology, and Jones Strain Counter Strain.

Chris's interest in massage comes from her own life. When she was growing up, massages helped her deal with migraines and arthritis.

For questions and scheduling, please contact:

509-783-5465 ext. 221

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